Except my ice Cream maker sucks... so I've resorted to leaving in in the freezer and running it in there for 10 minute spurts... I'm hoping it's going to work. I'll update on this later.
I emptied the fridge for breakfast this morning. We just had a big old hodge-podge of stuff fried up. I liked it. It was basically fried veggies with mushroom cream sauce on it.... Mmmmmm. Delicious.
So I found out why my pickles are hollow. There are 2 causes for this. Improper salt to water ratio and leaving the cucumbers too long in between harvesting and pickling are to blame for this. I found this answer in a book I bought yesterday. It's called the forgotten arts yesterdays skills adapted to today's materials It's a little 3 pack of books; "Jellies, Jams, Preserves, Conserves, Marmalades, Butters, Honeys and Leathers" and "Pickles, Relishes, Chutneys, Sauces and Catsups, Mincemeats, Beverages and Syrups" And Finally "The forgotten Arts. Growing, Gardening and Cooking with Herbs"
They are all really interesting. Lots of very good ideas.
(I just checked on the Ice Cream, it seems to be working)
Overcoming Health Anxiety
2 weeks ago
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